Monday, May 26, 2008

Hops Update - May 19 Growth

The biggest cascade (left) is going strong and it now has 3 bines climbing the trellis chord. I'm amazed at how fast it is growing, inches per day! I've read that at the height of growth, they can grow over a foot a day. The 2 centennial plants are healthy, but are growing slower than the other plants. I am having good luck with my goldings plant (right), even though on message boards and several podcasts, it sounds like these don't grow as well in the Midwest. It has one climbing bine, and 2 others that will be long enough to train on the trellis soon. I also had a cascade (below) that got damaged in a recent storm, and the 2 bines that were about 10 inches long were broken off at ground level. These plants however are very resilient, and it has sprouted 2 new bines and looks like it will rebound. This week, I fertilized with Miracle Grow all purpose 15-30-15, mixing up a gallon, and dispensing that gallon across the 6 plants. More updates to come!

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